Martes, Marso 14, 2017

(Charlyn Barnachea)
Chapter 1
A career choice is important because it determines your success in the next stages of your life (PAMS, n.d).
Many factors affect career choices of high school students. Identifying these factors would give parents, educators, and industry an idea as to where students place most of their trust in career selection process (Super, 1990).
Each student in Senior High School can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The Academic track includes three strands: Accountancy, Business Management (ABM); Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS); and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).

Statement of the problem
What are the factors that influences senior high school students in choosing their strand?
What is the demographic profile of senior high school students who choose their specialization in terms of:
            A. Ideal Jobs
            B. Personality
            C. Family
            D. Peer/Classmate

Objectives of the study
To determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age and sex.
To determine the top  and least percentage influences of the senior high school students in choosing their strand.

Significance of the Study
To the Faculty members of Senior High School.
To the Students.
To the Future Researchers.
Scope and Limitation
This study was focused on the factors that influence the senior high school students in choosing their strand. The data will be taken from the Senior High School students sections; B, C, G, H, L, N , O, and P enrolled in the 2nd semester at Southern Christian College (SCC) in the school year 2016-2017 each section will be stratified randomly selected 10 students per section according to the section that we choose the method.

Chapter 2
The K-12 program offers a decongested 12-year program that gives students sufficient time to master skills and absorb basic competencies (K-12 Philippines, 2015).
Factors that influence the choice of specialization of students
Future Opportunities/ Ideal Job
            Opportunity may influence how students have perceived their future in terms of the          reasonable probability of a future in particular career fields.
             “Personality” plays an important role in the choosing of the right career (Splaver,2000)
            Parental support and encouragement are important factors that have been found to             influence career choice (Taylor et al, 2004).
            External influences that help to shape an individual’s career choice are also influenced by             significant others through social support from peers. People around contribute a lot in       one’s decision-making (Pummel, Harwood and Lavallee ,2008).
Theoretical Framework
Gottfredson’s theory, occupational aspirations are a reflection of one’s self-concept. People seek occupations that (a) arc congruent with their self-image and (b) reflect their knowledge of different occupations. This theory describes that students become attracted to certain specialization. According to this theory,self-concept is the key to specialization selection. Students tend to choose jobs that are compatible with their personality. The key determinants according to the theory are one’s social class, level of intelligence and experiences with sex typing. In the study of Siguan Jr., (1994) as cited in Sonsona (2012) self-concept was also found significant on the choice of specialization of students. Another is Holland’s theory of career choice suggested that people can function and develop best and find jobs satisfaction in work environments that are compatible with with their personalities. People tend to choose a career that is reflective of their personality. Holland (1994), suggest that the closer the match of personality to job, the greater the satisfaction. Holland’s theory places emphasis on the accuracy of self-knowledge and career information necessary for career decision making (Zunker, 1994 p. 49) as cited in Abernathy (2003).

Chapter 3
Research Design
Descriptive survey design will be use to determining the factors that influence Senior High School track/strand.
Locale of the Study
This study will be conducted at the Senior High School of Southern Christian College, Midsayap, Cotabato in school year 2016-2017.
Two sections from the four track/strands specially for HUMSS sections B and C, for STEAM sections G and H, for ABM sections O and P, for TVL sections L and N.
Sampling Design
The sampling design will be used is stratified simple random sampling.
Instrument of the Study
The researcher will be used a researcher-made questionnaire in gathering the necessary data.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researcher will be asked permission from the principal of senior high school to conduct the study. Upon approval, the questionnaire was administered by the researchers to the respondents in the school campus.
Data Analysis
The data gathered will be tabulated through statistical analysis.

Work Schedule
Concept and Instrument Development

Proposal Defense

Data Collection

Data analysis

Final Defense

Budgetary Requirements
Second Semester
Printing of materials
P 200.00
Plastic folder
P 12.00
Correction Tape
P 18.00
Fare and meals during the gathering of data
P 300.00
Php. 530.00

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