Martes, Marso 14, 2017

Clarice G. Antatico    EJ Kyla Rose Valdez

Adolescence can be a time of both disorientation and discovery. The transitional period can bring up issues of independence and self-identity; many adolescents and their peers face tough choices regarding schoolwork, sexuality, drugs, alcohol, and social life. Peer groups, romantic interests, and external appearance tend to naturally increase in importance for some time during a teen's journey toward adulthood (Levy,2016).
According to Bongers, Koot, Van der Ende &Verhulst (2008) as cited in Tome, (2012) behavioral problems that occur during infancy and adolescence (particularly external problems, such as substance use and violence behaviors) may continue throughout adulthood, associated to social non-adaptation, substance abuse and conflicts.
Having friends allows to share experiences and feelings and to learn how to solve conflicts. Not having friends, on the other hand, leads to social isolation and limited social contacts, as there are fewer opportunities to develop new relations and social interactional skills (Ueno, 2004 as cited in Tome,, 2012)
Statement of the Problem
This study will attempt to answer the following questions:
1.      What is the most and least influential positive behavior of adolescents within their peers?
2.      What is the most and least influential negative behavior of adolescents within their peers?
Objectives of the Study
This study will seek to determine:
  1. The most and least influential positive behavior of adolescents influenced by their peers.
  2. The most and least influential negative behavior of adolescents influenced by their peers
Significance of the Study
            This study will be beneficial to the following:
Adolescents. Through this study, adolescent will able to know themselves, to determine their good and bad sides. In addition, this will help to develop and improve one’s self.
Parents. For them to be aware and educated about their children’s behavior. With that, they can know how to guide adolescents in right path.
Teachers. For them to be informed and handle adolescent’s positive and negative behavior.
Future researchers. This study will serve as their basis for further investigations about this phenomenon.
Scope and Limitations
This study will determine the most and least influential positive and negative behavior of adolescents influenced by their peers in Poblacion 5, Midsayap, Cotabato specifically in Southern Christian College senior high school students in STEAM strand.
Date and Place
            School year 2016-2017 at Southern Christian College.

Adolescence and Peer Group
Adolescence in and of itself is a period of human development marked by many changes, transitions and both positive and negative behavior. Today’s adolescence has unique experiences and issues not encountered by previous generations (Drysdale and Rye, 2007).
A peer group is a social group that consists of individuals of the same social status who share similar interests and are close in age (Williams, 2016).
Barbour and Scully (2016) stated that peer groups have an even stronger influence than that of parents, although that extreme position has been refuted by other researchers
Negative and Positive Behaviors of Adolescents
The peer group also influences development of children’s socializing skills. These early friendships help children learn how to negotiate and relate to others, including their siblings and other family members. They learn from peers how to cooperate and socialize according to group norms and group-sanctioned modes of behavior. The peer group can influence what the child values, knows, wears, eats, and learns. The extent of this influence, however, depends on other situational constraints, such as the age and personality of children and the nature of the group (Barbour and Scully,2016).
Any number of isolated behavior problems can represent adolescent problems and delinquency-shoplifting, truancy, a fight in school, drug or alcoholic ingestion. Sometimes adolescents cannot explain why they act the way they do. They may be just as confuse about it as the adult, or they simply see delinquent behaviors as appropriate ways to deal with what they experience. Also, negative effects of peer pressure include doing drugs, smoking, shoplifting, cutting class, having sex, drinking alcohol, physical violence, going late in school, low academic performance(Jenuhho,2008).  
The transition from adolescence to adulthood is characterized by intensified contacts with peers and an entrance into new social context and activities. The relevance for adolescents to achieve intimacy goals, such as closeness and trust, shifts from towards peers (Drysdale and Rye,2007).

Definition of Terms
Adolescents. These are the students who are experiencing positive and negative behavior within their peers.
Behaviors. These are the positive and negative actions influenced by their peers.
Influences. The different behaviors experienced by the students with their peers.
Peers. These are the group of friends who can influence the adolescents.

Research Design
This study will use descriptive survey research design in evaluating positive and negative behavior of adolescents influenced by their peers.
Locale of the Study
This study will be conducted Poblacion 5, Midsayap, Cotabato particularly in Southern Christian College.
Respondents of the Study
      The respondents of this study will be 50 senior high school students from the different sections of STEAM strand, officially enrolled at Southern Christian College during the 2nd semester of S.Y 2016-2017. They will be selected using stratified simple random sampling.

Research Instrument
To gather the needed data of the study, researchers will use researcher-made survey questionnaire.
Data gathering procedure
This study will be conducted during the second semester of S.Y. 2016-2017 to the senior high school students under STEAM strand of Southern Christian College, Midsayap, Cotabato. A letter will be send to the teacher/adviser of senior high school students under STEAM strand and researcher’s adviser to seek permission for the conduct of the study. Upon approval, the questionnaire will be administered by the researchers to the respondents in the school campus specifically during their vacant time.
Data analysis
The result of this study will be analyzed using statistical analysis and was presented by themes.
Work Schedule
Concept and Instrument Development

Proposal Defense

Data Collection

Data analysis

Final Defense

Budgetary Requirements
Second Semester
Printing of materials
P 200.00
Plastic folder
P 15.00
Correction Tape
P 18.00
Fare and meals during the gathering of data
P 300.00
Php. 533.00

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