Biyernes, Marso 10, 2017


 by ;Win Right D. Ambasa

 Abstract. The study was undertaken to determine the awareness on the policies on solid waste management in the campus among senior high school students of SCC and to compare the awareness of senior high school students on the policies on solid waste management in the campus when grouped per strand.
            This study utilized the descriptive design using a survey method. Quota sampling was used to identify the 60 respondents of the study.  A researchers made questionnaire to gather data. Data were analyzed using the mean distribution in every strand with 15 respondents in every strand. Scale was used in analyzing data, 0-not aware at all, 1-5 as slightly aware, 6-10 as moderately aware, 11-15 as highly aware.
            The result of the study shows that the students of SCC were moderately aware on the policies on solid waste management in the campus with the total mean score of 9.23. The result also shows that among the four different strands in Senior High School the HUMSS strand was highly aware of the policies on solid waste management which has 12.9 as mean score. We have also the strand of ABM and STEAM was moderately aware on the policies on solid waste management which has 9 as mean score. Lastly, the TECH-VOC strand was moderately aware also which has 6 as mean score.
Introduction. Solid waste management in schools is a worldwide issue. Inappropriate solid waste management practices in schools constitute one of the major factors leading to declining environmental conditions (Ana, Olorunoba, Shendeell, Elemile, Benjamin & Sridhar, 2011). The solid waste problem is not only common in school but everywhere due to the increase of population.
            In the Philippines Republic Act 9003 was launched in January 26, 2001. This act provides for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriate funds for other purposes. This act is known as “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.” Section 2 declared that the systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid  waste management program shall: a) ensure the protection of the public health environment; b) utilize environmentally-sound methods that maximizes the utilization and valuable resources and encourage resource conservation and recovery; c) set guidelines and targets for solid waste avoidance and volume reduction through resource reduction and waste minimization measures including composting, recycling, re-use, recovery, green charcoal process and others; and d) encourage greater private sector participation in solid waste management (Republic Act 9003).
Solid waste refers to food, paper, packaging, and ashes discarded by households, commercial establishments, non-hazardous and non-toxic institutional or industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, and agricultural waste. Solid waste means any garbage, refuse, sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility and other discarded materials (Guzman & Reyes, 2003).
          Since the world continues its way to progress, bulk and volume of waste is also continually created and produced day by day. Thus, there is a need for these wastes to be properly managed. In relation to this the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has been making actions to improve the waste management of the schools here in the country.
            Schools are institutions which produce solid wastes. The increase of schools’ enrolment produces large amount of wastes. There are schools that were recognized for being effective in their waste management programs and these schools were given prizes for such achievement. A total of 45 public and private schools have entered the final of the 2011 National Search for Sustainable and Eco-friendly Schools, organized by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB), Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and Smart Communications, Inc. (SMART). The aim of this nationwide competition was to recognize educational institutions from elementary, high schools and tertiary levels with the best sustainable and environmental-friendly programs and activities. The DepEd launched a mandate through RA 9729, otherwise known as Climate Change Act of 2009 “to mainstream the climate change concept into the basic education curriculum and deliver correct and updated information.” School are vital part of basic learning and remain a powerful vehicle for change. Therefore, it is just appropriate to top the schools in the effort for climate change, global warming-related initiatives” (Manila Bulletin, 2011).
Manila Bulletin, December, 2010 issue further said that sustainable eco-friendly schools are encouraged to developed environmental policies for the schools; physical cleanliness, orderliness and beautification of the school; paper recycling, waste reduction, waste segregation, recycling and composting.”
         Solid waste Management, termed as garbage management of solid waste or garbage, remains an issue in human communities which include scrap, glass, cans, paper, plastics, wood and similar materials (Smith, 2000) especially in schools. Therefore, improper solid waste management in schools has a lot of impact to environment, people and health, which specifically result to health related problems, disorderliness, and eye sores to visitors and stakeholders.
        Southern Christian College (SCC) is a private institution operating under the umbrella of DepEd and CHED. This institution is adopting the provisions stated in RA 9003 and RA 9729 to protect the environment. SCC developed policies in solid waste management for the SC community to follow and organized Health and Environment Committee to monitor the implementation. It is expected by the committee that students, faculty and staff are aware of the rules and regulations set by the senior high school students to maintain clean, green and safe campus.
        However, the improper solid waste management is still observed in the school campus especially in the areas provide for students to stay during their vacant period. In the study conducted by Enero (2011) on the Level of Awareness on Solid Waste Management among High School Students in Southern Christian College showed that out of 219 students 4.1% are not aware, 9.6% are not so aware, 35.2% are moderately aware 44.7% are very aware and only 9.1% are very much aware. The result of this study persuaded the researcher to conduct further about the awareness in policies on solid waste management in the campus among senior high school students of Southern Christian College. There are policies implemented, however, the solid waste management practices of the students depend in there level of awareness thus, this was conducted to identify the students’ awareness on the policies on solid waste management to provide suggestions for necessary intervention for effective implementation.
Research design. This study used descriptive designed using survey method. Senior High School students from different strand were asked on their awareness on solid waste management in the campus of SCC.
Locale of the study. This study was conducted at Southern Christian College, Midsayap,    Cotabato.
Respondents of the study. The respondents of the study were selected through quota sampling
Table 1. Total Number of Respondents

Research instrument. This study used a questionnaire in gathering data. The questionnaire was consist of student’s strand and questions answerable by true or false on the awareness on policies on solid waste management among senior high school students of SCC.
Data Gathering. The researcher conducted the survey using research instrument upon the approval of the Principal of the Senior High School students here in Southern Christian College. The researcher personally administered the survey to the selected students from different strands who participated in the study. Then the data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted.
Data Analysis. The data were tabulated, analyzed and summarized using the mean distribution among the four strands in Senior High school students in Southern Christian College. Scale was used in analysing data, 0-not aware at all, 1-5 as slightly aware, 6-10 as moderately aware, 11-15 as highly aware.

Results and Discussion.
Table 2. Mean distribution on the awareness on the policies on solid waste management in the campus among Senior High school students
The Table 2 shows that among the four different strand in Senior High School the HUMSS strand was highly aware of the policies on solid waste management which has 12.9 as mean score. We have also the strand of ABM and STEAM was moderately aware on the policies on solid waste management which has 9 as mean score. Lastly, the TECH-VOC strand was moderately aware also which has 6 as mean score. The total mean score of the senior high school students of SCC is 9.23 which means that the senior high school students of SCC are moderately aware on the policies on solid waste management or Prohibited Acts.
Furthermore, the result also shows that the HUMSS strand were highly aware about the policies on solid waste management in the campus compared to the other strands. The finding is related to the study of Busalla et al., (2013), about the Level of Waste Management Practices in Selected Public School in Cebu City. The emphasis to the new educational system, environmental health is one of the main concerns of the schools and government because it directly affects the students as well as the surrounding communities. The capacity of the students to influence is used appropriately so as to raise awareness to compel the rest of the population to the responsible act of proper waste disposal. The awareness of the HUMSS strand of SCC students can influence other strands or students here in SCC to properly manage the solid waste in the campus.
Conclusion. The result of the study shows that HUMSS students of SCC were highly aware on the policies on solid waste management in the campus. The senior high school students of SCC has 9.23 mean score which means they are moderately aware also on the policies on solid waste management or Prohibited acts in the campus. The result also showed that HUMSS students were highly aware of the policies compared to other strands because the other strands just like the strands of STEAM and ABM has only 9 as mean score and the strand of TECH-VOC has only 6 as mean score. The strand of HUMSS was highly aware because obviously in terms of the policies it was already teach in the strand of HUMSS just like the different disciplines and social sciences and one of that is the political science, that’s why the students in the strand of HUMSS was highly aware on the policies or the prohibited acts rather than the other strands.

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Budgetary Framework

I.                           Services

Final defense
II.                Operating expenses

Research report

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